LAVA- Laboratory of Visual Arts.
Dorothee Albrecht - Tea Pavilion
Silk Mark Expo
Riyas Komu - On International Workers Day, Gandhi
P.S Jalaja Solo Exhibition
Beyond the Cubicle : A Cartoonist Sketches E P U
Rouka by Sreejith Jeevan
Painting De/Theory - Narendra Shankar Dewoodkar
Benitha Perciyal - Still and Still moving Life - E
Possible Effects Manohar Chiluveru
Sumakshi Singh In Between the Pages \ 2014
Sarnath Banerjee Liquid History of Vasco Da Gam
Rafael Lozano- Hemmer __ Pan- Anthem \ 2014
Prajakta Potnis Kitchen Debate
Peter Rosel 458.42 m/sec
N S Harsha Matter \ 2014
Navin Thomas long live the new flesh \ 2014
K G Subramanyan __War of the Relics \ 2012
Gulammohammed Sheikh Balancing Act \ 2014
Guido Van Der Werve __ Nummer acht: Everything is
Gigi Scaria Chronicle of the Shores Foretold \ 2
Bharti Kher- Three Decimal \ Of a Minute \ Of a Se
Benitha Perciyal The Fires of Faith \ 2014
Dayanita Singh 1.9.2014 Dear Mr Walter \ 2014
Andrew Ananda Voogel Kalapani : The Jahajis Mid
Ho Tzu Nyen Phythagoras \ 2013
Laurent Grasso 1610 IV \ 2014
Kwan Sheung Chi Hong Kong \ 2012
Akbar Padamsee Syzygy \ 1969-72
Lindy Lee Fire Over Heaven \ 2014
Holy Beads The Orbit
Punaloor Rajan - Perpetual Stills \ 2014
Micheal Najjar Orbital cascade_57-46 \ 2013
Prashant Pandey - Artha \ 2014
Khalil Rabah - Biproduct \ 2010
Yoko Ono - Earth Piece : Listen to the sound of th
Xu Bing Background Story: Endless Xishan Mountai
Wendelien Van Oldenborgh Maurits Script \ 2006
Rivane Neuenschwander Contingent \ 2008