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Top 6 Reasons to Eat Oats

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Uploaded: 6-8-2016 |
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Top 6 reasons to eat Oats
1. Low calorie food
Eating oatmeal topped with almonds, milk and
some pieces of apple or grape is a healthy choice
for curbing appetite.
2. May Reduce Asthma risk in children
Oats in children’s diet may
significantly reduce the chances
of developing asthma.
3. Reduces risk of diabetes (type 2)
Daily consumption of oats can stabilize
the level of glucose in blood and thus reduce
the risk of diabetes.
4. Protects against heart disease and cancer
The antioxidants and high fibre content
in oats blocks the harmful toxins
that can lead to colorectal cancer.
Regular intake of oats may reduce
the risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Improves defence of immune system
It speeds up immune system’s
response to infections
by helping to eliminate bacteria and
heal infections more quickly.
6. Provides high levels of fibre
Oats contain more soluble fibre than other grains,
leading to slower digestion,
increased satiety and suppression of appetite. 


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