Uploaded: 6-12-2013 |
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Add 2 tablespoons of oil in a vessel and warm it on medium heat. Add vegetables such as chopped onions, beans and carrots into the pan. Sauté the veggies; let it cook for some time. Once the veggies are cooked, break and pour two uncooked eggs into it and let it spread while you continue to sauté. Add condiments such as salt and pepper to taste. In order to make the filling more creamy and tasty, add two-table spoon of Mayonnaise. Now that our creamy filling is ready lets arrange bread toppings.Cut off the edges of the bread slices , place a thin layer of cheese (optional) over the sliced bread. You can spread the formerly made veg filling as its second layer. Top with tomato sauce only if you prefer. It is better to skip tomato sauce & cheese to allow the taste of the veg filling to come through… Serve the tasty Sandwich as an evening snack or for Tea Parties. As a variation, you can cut each slice of bread into 4 squares and fry them in oil till crispy & slightly brown. Top it with our veg filling and a drop of tomato sauce and it is a great tricoloured snack for kids.