Saturday, January 25, 2025
Konchu House is a multi cuisine restaurant located at K P Vallon Road, Kadavanthra, Kochi.
Konchu is a Malayalam term for Lobster from the prawn family. Konchu house multi cuisine restaurant provides variety of seafood dishes made of shrimps, prawns, squid, pearl spot etc.
Even though the restaurant is located in the middle of the city, the Architecture of the building treasures an old world charm with a ‘Nadumuttam’ (Inner Courtyard) and other such features.
Dinner starting from 7 pm to 11 pm opens with a vast takeaway counter with live Tandoori and Dosa items.
The restaurant is open from 11 am to 11 pm on all days.
Konchu house is located at
K. P. Vallon Road, Kadavantra, Cochin
Phone: 0484 2312245, 9633371177