Uploaded: 2-8-2016 |
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7 Amazing Healthy Uses of Honey :
Shampoo - Raw honey can cleanse and restore the health of your hair and scalp.
Improve digestion - Having one or two tablespoon of honey can boost digestion.
Restore sleep - Having a tablespoon of raw honey with warm milk can help you sleep.
Acne cure - Take half a teaspoon honey, rub it between your palms and apply on face gently. Leave it for 10 mins then rinse with warm water and pat dry. This is an affordable face cleanser to fight off acne on all skin types.
Lose weight - Substituting raw honey for white sugar can help in weight management.
Heal wounds - Raw honey can help quicken healing time for mild burns, wounds, rashes and abrasions.
Relieve Nausea - Mix honey with ginger and lemon juice to help counteract nausea.
Did you know ?
There are at least 40 types of honey with distinctive taste and unique properties.
Darker honey tends to have higher antioxidant levels.
Honey cautions : Best not to feed to infants. Do not add honey to baby food or use as a soother to quiet a fussy or colicky baby.