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Coconut Dumpling

Published By: Webindia123.com
Uploaded: 18-1-2014 |
Views 3054 |
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Lets begin by preparing the sweet coconut filling. Place a large saucepan at medium flame add a glass of water to this add 2 cups of sugar stir well until the sugar dissolves, this could take 5 minutes. Once the syrup thickens we can add a cup of grated coconut, 1-2 spoon of cardamom and cumin seeds. Continue sautéing until cardamom aroma emanates your kitchen.
Mean while lets prepare the rice dough Add a glass of water into a pan under medium flame. Bring the water to boil along with salt and Ghee. To this add 1 cup of Rice flour. Now switch off the stove use a spoon to stir for a while. Make sure that while stirring the rice flour should clump together. If you are finding it too dry and not sticky, then add the additional boiled water you set aside, until it comes together.
Once the dough is ready Grease your palms well and break off a small piece from the dough and make a soft ball. Start pinching the sides and spread the dough to make cup shaped moulds. Place the filling inside the cup shaped moulds and cover all sides to make Coconut Dumpling. Steam the Coconut Dumpling for 10 – 15 min till the outer layer is little shiny and serve them warm.
Coconut Dumpling are considered festival delicacies and can be served as an Evening snacks


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