
Performance 1 | Performance 2 | Performance 3 | Performance 4 | Performance 5 | Performance 6 | Performance 7
More about Dr. kamala Shankar
Dr. Kamala Shankar belongs to an elite and exclusive class of musicians who
have a Masters in Science as well as a Doctorate in Music from the Banares
Hindu University. She had attracted worldwide attention by successfully
converting the Western Hawaiian Guitar into "Shankar-Guitar" which has
overtones of classical Veena unlike its western cousin. Innovative design
and shape by adding more strings and sympathetic strings to get the
sustained, sliding notes common to the vocal style of Indian classical
music. The instrument is now a hybrid of a classical Hawaiian guitar and a
classical Indian sitar.
Dr. Kamala Shankar, a renowned exponent of Indian Classical Guitar & Vocal
music, is the first lady Guitar Artist to have enthralled the world through
her immaculate and melodious rendition of music. She is well known for her
tremendous control and versatility of her instrument and has an exceptional
natural ability to play the ‘Gayaki Ang’ style on the Shankar Guitar.
Syed R Ali (U.S.A.) On: 1/28/2014 7:59:48 AM