
Feel rejuvenated this Karkidakam with Marunnu Kanji.
The last month of the Malayalam calendar Karkidakam (July-August), sees the monsoon rainfall receding in Kerala. This period of the year is considered most effective for undergoing Ayurveda based body rejuvenation therapies which is believed to recharge and energize the body and mind.
During this period, Ayurveda also advice's to follow a vegetarian diet, and to have a medicated porridge made with boiled cereals and medicinal plants, called Karkidaka Kanji or Oushada Kanji (medicinal porridge). Depending on the availability, 12 to 24 types of medicinal herbs along with njavara rice, are used in preparing this porridge. Watch the video to see the different medicinal herbs used to make this porridge and learn how the Kanji is prepared. The Video has English Subtitles.