Monday, January 20, 2025
Pantula Rama – from Andhra Pradesh is a renowned Carnatic singer. Born to parents who are instrumentalist she has a melodious and highly flavored voice, which lends itself naturally to brigas. She has several achievements in the field of Carnatic music. Being a follower of Ivaturi Vijayeswara Rao, she had performed in many stages with her pleasant voice that make the audiences sit up. She began her performance for Carnatica’s Sangeetanubhava festival with the Sahana varnam and her technical perfection conforms to the best classical standards.
To watch her performance Click here
Susheela and R.V.Pathy (Chennai, TN) On: 3/22/2013 10:56:35 PM
Chandrasekhar (USA) On: 7/11/2010 6:52:06 PM