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Theatre : CEVA Drama Repertory Company, Chandigarh
Synopsis of the play ‘Zindagi Retire Nahin Hoti’
A community play - ‘Zindagi Retire Nahin Hoti’ - is about relationships between the elderly, the young and the not so elderly. The warm blood of youth cannot perceive the experience, the sense of dispossession & increasing feeling of helplessness of the old. The elderly, in their turn demand their ‘pound’ on the strength of tradition.
‘Zindagi Retire Nahin Hoti’ takes a humorous look at this phenomenon in the interactive theatre mode. Citing anecdotes, which derive their content from real life instances, the script of the play reproduces on stage, a life red in tooth and claw. So on stage, we see senior citizens painfully traveling down memory lane, sometimes blaming their kin for having alienated their affections; sometimes demanding respect out of them…And sometimes struggling to resolve the inner conflict which stems from their own ‘great expectations’.
The characters are in direct conversation with the audience, mirroring bitter facts of life for them and hitting them where it hurts the most. The dialogues are furthered by a decisive conclusion, which has the elder and the youngster taking a resolve of doing it together.
Mahmood Lakhani (Florida,U.S.A.) On: 9/17/2011 11:32:08 AM